Saturday, December 8, 2012


Did this today (commission), as well as some traditional gestures which I'm too lazy to scan. Decided that today is my weekend, lol. Tomorrow I'm going to sit down and get sh*t done properly, I already broke the combo yesterday anyway :(.


Half-ass study of armor.

Horribly failed thingy. I always end up like this. I start something, I think it's going okay and after a while I stop to get something to drink or whatever. When I come back I realise how fucking aweful it looks. Pisses me off sooo much -_- Very demotivating.


45 minutes and K.O

Friday, December 7, 2012


Same as Jelle, though I am truly tired

and this thing...


So, fucking, tired. I managed to squeeze out a quick landscape.

Various stuff


Just some doodle, didn't have the energy for something serious -_-


couple of skulls, 40min so around 4 minutes each with chatting


Majestic leather armor, design from Lineage II, actually this is really bad ;d But its late again and no time for tweeking, though I did learn a few design elements. Hopefully i'll finish these character drawings in the weekends. So longg geyboys :]

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Semi-final. Not entirely sure if satisfied. About 2,5 hours taken since the last post.

Random post title

Decided to finish rendering this one +1.5h makes it 3h
Enough exact copies from movie stills, next up are sketches and studies of environment and anatomy =)

Edit: Also this little experiment (45min:)


Tallum Armor Design from Lineage II And I worked on NATU

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cloud city

I tried to work with contrast in forms, the puffy, soft clouds versus the hard lines of the houses. Didn't really work out how I wanted to, I really like the color scheme though.
Time: my evening. Fuck this blog :(

Another Space oddysey

I give up xD


Not the WoW race, Pandamonium is a hero you can play in Heroes of Newerth. Quite enjoyed painting this and tried to force myself to keep it rough. I really need to work on my gestures though, lol.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Al Pacino in his younger years. Didn't keep track of time but I've had it open the whole evening while chatting and doing other stuff.. I think it's about 2.5 hours in total.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Lesson Learned: DO NOT try to render a face on a low resolution area
Another Lesson Learned: Pick a simpeler ref next time

oh and here is the step by step I didn't want to make anymore yesterday night:
(Yes the last step is a lot more time than the first 4, forgot to keep saving xD)

Monday, December 3, 2012


 Some gestures, didn't go so well.. Speed is a big problem. I also find it hard to look at the 'big picture', I always get distracted by little details..

Random, head from imagination.


Not pleased with this. I'm not feeling well at all and finding it really hard to focus, I'm calling it a night. Better luck tomorrow perhaps.


1h 15m, Don't know how but it went really fast for my doing, I will finish this one for sure; But i'll make my speedo for tomorrow

Sunday, December 2, 2012


2 hours, took me a bit longer because I finally decided to do a sketch before painting, lol. The skin tone gave me a damn hard time, there's so much more variety in colour there than you'd first expect o.o 


1h 10m, than 1hour 30m later
Than after Lhune feedback it went something like third;
which turned out a more fierce composition. I really like it.
went from weak goat, dog, horse to some kind of fierce houndly like spirit
More what I was looking for.
Ty Lhune

I want food

 2.5 hours, I'm still a bit slow but I'm learning! :D I also included my process, so feel free to give any feedback on that as well!

And another quicker one, it's terrible but I'm just gonna post it, might be fun to see the improvement after a while (hopefully).

The King of Jaruzalem - Kingdom of Heaven

Another one from Kingdom of Heaven