Saturday, December 1, 2012


This ain't no speedpaint, I got carried away, 4,5 hours 
After some feedback [THANKS] 45m later,  it got a lot better


  1. I detect a case of balloon boobs, flotation ability included!

    Heh, but seriously, I like the face, the expression is good but you might want to look into the proportions of the face (particularly the length and perspective of the nose, she's looking down a bit so we should see it from the top a bit more) and the way the chest and shoulders are built. Breasts don't connect directly to the clavicles and shoulders don't slope down quite that much. Her neck is also very long. I hope that helps!

    Don't worry about taking longer, I know it's hard to stop while you're at it, heh!

    1. Thanks, This really helped out. i've made some changes, didnt manage the neck, cause I cropped it all ;/ guess by accident.

  2. Oh also, could you make the thumbnail a bit smaller (sized "normal")? It's stretching the page a bit.
